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55 Years of Marriage | Wade & Sandra

I truly believe that your marriage is the Gospel that you are preaching to your children. Your children learn from what they see and the environment that they are brought up in. Your actions as a husband or wife are seen by your children and grandchildren and are eventually carried out by the younger generation. I am so lucky to have the grandparents that I do. They have set such a high example of what it is like to have a Christ-centered marriage. Their actions have spoke volumes louder than words could ever speak. Popa set the perfect example of how a husband should be the head of the household and Nana set the perfect example of how a wife should be submissive to her husband and care for the kids.

When we were planning their photo shoot, we couldn't decide where to take the pictures and finally we decided, what better place to take them than their house that they built together almost 50 years ago? So these were taken in their front yard right before a huge rain storm came in. If we would have waited 5 more minutes we wouldn't have finished! Lol. Thankfully the rain held off just long enough to get some pictures in.

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